Shevet Galim Leadership
Shevet Galim is led by the Merakez Boger (Senior Troop Leader) together with the elected Merakzim Tze’irim (Youth Leaders), and in collaboration with the Va’ad Horim (Parents Committee).
The merakez boger is a shliach (emissary) from Israel, trained by the Jewish Agency, and guided by the Hanhagat Tzabar and Shevet Galim’s Rosh Shevet.
Shevet Galim’s Va’ad Horim is made up of a collection of volunteer parents from within the community. The Va’ad is led by the Rosh Shevet (Committee Chairperson). Shevet finances are managed by the Gizbar (Treasurer). Each of the members of the va’ad give of their time, to give our children the youth movement that they deserve.
The role of merakez is to lead the shevet from a content and activity perspective.
The main role of the Va’ad to to support the shevet from a logistics perspective. The Va’ad is also responsible for setting the long-term vision and strategies for the shevet.