Enrollment for 2017-2018 is now OPEN!
After a successful inaugural year, Shevet Galim is happy to announce that the “Tzofkatim” program for children entering 2nd grade will continue this year.
This program allows 2nd graders to get a taste of Tzofim and enjoy age-appropriate Tzofim-like activities in Hebrew.
The activities will take place every Sunday (3PM-5PM) alongside the regular Tzofim activities, and will be run by shevet counselors under the direction of a Shevet alumnus.
It is important to note that the program will include activities only. Tzofkatim will not take part in shevet camps, hikes etc.
There is no need to purchase a shirt for Tzofkatim – a special Tzofkatim t-shirt will be provided to all tzofkatim members. (In the event that the Tzofkatim shirt is misplaced, or you would like an additional shirt, one can be purchased from “Boutique Galim“.)